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GA40 SF6氣體微水測試儀



產(chǎn)品特點:GA40 SF6氣體微水測試儀
High-precision measurement of the humidity content (H2O) in SF6 gas-filled equipment
Special features
■ Highest accuracy of ±0.1 °C
■ Automatic end val


GA40 SF6氣體微水測試儀

GA40 SF6氣體微水測試儀

     High-precision measurement of the humidity content (H2O) in SF6 gas-filled equipment

    Special features
     ■ Highest accuracy of ±0.1 °C
     ■ Automatic end value detection
     ■ Dynamic Contamination Correction „DCC“
     ■ Very fast measuring times
     ■ USB interface for simple data transfer


     The analysis instrument model GA40 is used for determining the humidity content in SF6 gas with high accuracy. Due to the procedures of filling and servicing switchgear, a residual humidity in SF6 gas is inevitable. However, the concentration of water molecules must be kept as low as possible for guaranteeing a faultless long-term operation of the equipment.

    High precision
    The GA40 is a high-end measuring instrument for determining the humidity concentration in SF6 gas quickly, precisely and with repeatable accuracy. The DDC system (Dynamic Contamination Correction) prevents erroneous measurements due to a soiled mirror.

   The GA40 controls the flow automatically and reproducibly. Thus erroneous measurements due to operating errors are virtually eliminated.

   Even at the lowest dew point temperatures, the GA40 convinces with its performance and clearly stands out from conventional chilled mirror hygrometers. This is achieved by an adapted control of the cooling element, among other


  Simple commissioning
   Adapters (DN 8, DN 20) required for connecting the GA40 to the respective gas compartment are included in the scope of supply. The solid measuring tube has self-closing quick couplings on both sides in order to prevent the SF6 gas from  accidentally escaping into the atmosphere.

   Environmentally friendly
   The test gas can be intermediay stored at the outlet of the GA40 with a gas recovery bag so that the environmentally hazardous SF6 gas does not escape into the surrounding atmosphere.

    Once the recovery bag is full, the SF6 gas can be pumped back into a gas cylinder using a model GTU-10 gas transfer unit and subsequently recycled or, depending on the gas quality, be reused directly.

    Simple data transfer
    The internal memory enables the storage of 150 data records. The data can be transferred to a PC via an USB interface at any time.



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